Pascal Maillot

The future of quantum computers and technologies in the EU

Niels Obers

Opportunities and potential for Nordic collaboration in quantum science

Göran Wendin

HPC+QC, NordIQuEst and the Future of Quantum Computing

Axel Andersson

eX3 + QAL9000 connection

Himadri Majumdar

Finnish perspectives on Quantum Computing and Business

Mikael Johansson

High-performance quantum computing from national efforts to the European-wide LUMI-Q infrastructure

Matthias Christandl

Quantum Software

Susanne Viefers

Quantum Science and Technology in Norway – the University perspective

Sabrina Maniscalco

Unlocking Quantum Advantage with Near-Term Quantum Computers

Robert Axmann

Development of the German Quantum Computing Ecosystem

Franz Fuchs

Why we need research on quantum computing in Norway

Sergiy Denysov & Sølve Selstø

The OsloMet Quantum Hub

Day 2

Shaukat Ali

Time for another Simula

Øyvind Ytrehus

Quantum-safe cryptography

Ben Zwickl

Developing a “quantum aware” workforce: trends in North America and Europe

Tobi Giesgen

Preparing now for the bright unknown in an uncertain future

Umair M. Imam

How Ruter uses Quantum computing in its machine learning algorithms

Terje Nilsen

Why should Norwegian companies invest in Quantum Computing knowledge already at this early stage?

Day 1

QC Norway Speaker Playlist

Browse the available videos to find speaker presentations from the QC Norway workshop that took place on the 7th & 8th of November in 2022.