Position Paper
Contributions Towards a Norwegian Quantum Computing Strategy
Inspired by the presentations and discussions at the QCNorway workshop, the organisers of the event have authored a position paper with recommendations for an emerging Norwegian quantum strategy, in which quantum computing should be a principal part. The English version is now available for download, and the Norwegian version will appear late June, 2023.
The authors of this paper have different scientific backgrounds, but their meeting point is that of computing and computer science. They have therefore crafted their input to the debate about a national quantum strategy in the context of quantum computing, which also seems to be the most powerful engine for the current international quantum development. However, a strong and forward-looking Norwegian quantum strategy should be built on a wide understanding of current quantum technologies, and thus the authors encourage the Norwegian quantum-interested community at large to bring their ideas and viewpoints to the table. In this way, politicians and those implementing established policies will be able to educate themselves efficiently and be in a good position to take well-informed and wise decisions for the future.